Issue with "ignore_missing" argument in es5

I am using an application that sends requests like this to elasticsearch 5 (Kibana 3):

The response from es5:
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"request [/twitter/_aliases] contains unrecognized parameter: [ignore_missing]"}],"type":"illegal_argument_exception","reason":"request [/twitter/_aliases] contains unrecognized parameter: [ignore_missing]"},"status":400}

When sent to an es2 instance, the response is valid.

I already stumbled upon a few GitHub issues and found that this troublemaking option (ignore_missing) was removed a long time ago but since then ignored.
GitHub: ignore_missing removed from _aliases
GitHub: Revisit indices options and make default values consistent

All I need to know now if es5 purposely responds with an error or if I'm doing something wrong. :robot:

You need to use Kibana 5 with Elasticsearch 5. And the project you referred to says that it's abandoned for now.

Thank you for your answer :slight_smile:

Yep, that's right, but my question isn't really about Kibana 3 but more about the seemingly malformed query it sets off.

Sadly Kibana 5 is not usable for us at the moment as it is really limited by its design.

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