Issue with Kibana - {"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}

I have installed the ELK.
I enabled the xpack and the even though the kibana status is showing all "green" when I am trying to access the kibana site I am getting the error:
{"statusCode":404,"error":"Not Found","message":"Not Found"}

Can you please advice?


Which version of the stack are you using ? What do the Elasticsearch and Kibana logs indicate ?
Can you also check the health of your cluster ? The cluster health API allows to get a very simple status on the health of the cluster.
GET _cluster/health


I have installed it today - its the latest verstion

I tried the below

root@ubuntu-4gb-hel1-1:/etc/kibana# curl -uelastic -X GET "localhost:9200/_cluster/health"
Enter host password for user 'elastic':

also the http://localhost:5601/status is all green


Please open Kibana in an incognito window and check if you are able to reach . Status green is an indication that health of your cluster is good.

Also, do you have a proxy in between?


the page opens without a problem - I put the username/password and then I can login. Shall I clean the cookies,etc. from the browser?

Thanks a lot

Cool, glad it worked.


but how shall i fix this

Can you restart your browser, and/or clear session cookies. When you create user through User Managemenet API all relevant information is stored in Elasticsearch, including username and password hash . When user logs in, Kibana encrypts username/password pair and stores it in the cookie. Then when Kibana receives subsequent requests, it decrypts cookie, extracts user information and asks Elasticsearch to verify whether username/password pair is correct. If it's then Elasticsearch returns all information that Kibana may want to know (e.g. user roles).

That's how basic authentication works internally right now, that may and most likely will change in the future.

Hope it helps.


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