Kibana 4.5.4 Tilemap

Old kibana I can spesific tile map til some area,
but new kibana 4.5.4 I couldn't zoom in til spesific area.
eg. Taiwan only saw til one of county.. tilemap can't zoom in till school area ... if zoom in again the map will be white screen
any help...

Hi Amran,

Earlier this summer, Mapquest discontinued the mapping service used by Kibana.

See that issue here, and earlier discussion here Map visualizations have stopped working due to MapQuest change July 11, 2016.

Elastic is now hosting its own service, but with fewer zoom levels. That's what you're seeing in 4.5.4. You can still configure Kibana to use another mapping service (if you have access to one) using the advanced settings.

Hello Thomas,
Could i use var tileLayer = L.tileLayer('https://otile{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.jpeg', { ...
this one in Kibana 4.5.4, I checked in Kibana 4.1.1 there is available but I must use elasticsearch 1.x not 2.x

How to use openstreet map in Kibana 4.5.4. If I used WMS there is short zoom in too, not til detail area.

Thank you

Hi Amran,

you can change the tilemap.options.maxZoom setting in the kibana.yml file to get more zoom levels. There is more information in the docs about the tilemap settings (

In the linked github ticket above, other people have inquired about using OSM tiles, so you can read up there. That said, I don't think OSM terms of service allow that, so please be careful.

Hi Thomas,
Ok, the problem solved. Thank you Thomas :+1: