Kibana: 5 of 10 shards failed

I did some changes to Kibaba index patterns: e.g. I had 2 monthly index patterns: "myindex-2019-04" and "myindex-2019-05", I deleted them and created new index pattern to include both: "myindex-* ".
After that, I changed all my visuzation to point to "myindex-*" id and not "myindex-2019-05" or "myindex-2019-04" (I did it through Management -> Saved Object panel).

After that , I noticed that when I try to open some visualizations, I got " 5 of 10 shards failed" errors without any stack trace. This happened not for all visualizations.

Here is result of my Cluster Stats:

  "_nodes": {
    "total": 15,
    "successful": 15,
    "failed": 0
  "cluster_name": "563885087084:vsemetricssushiprod",
  "timestamp": 1557846138332,
  "status": "green",
  "indices": {
    "count": 5,
    "shards": {
      "total": 42,
      "primaries": 21,
      "replication": 1,
      "index": {
        "shards": {
          "min": 2,
          "max": 10,
          "avg": 8.4
        "primaries": {
          "min": 1,
          "max": 5,
          "avg": 4.2
        "replication": {
          "min": 1,
          "max": 1,
          "avg": 1
    "docs": {
      "count": 7464927981,
      "deleted": 7
    "store": {
      "size": "8.3tb",
      "size_in_bytes": 9135031497919
    "fielddata": {
      "memory_size": "57.5gb",
      "memory_size_in_bytes": 61769174656,
      "evictions": 0
    "query_cache": {
      "memory_size": "1.1gb",
      "memory_size_in_bytes": 1264182064,
      "total_count": 535101,
      "hit_count": 46532,
      "miss_count": 488569,
      "cache_size": 6581,
      "cache_count": 10211,
      "evictions": 3630
    "completion": {
      "size": "0b",
      "size_in_bytes": 0
    "segments": {
      "count": 2380,
      "memory": "19.4gb",
      "memory_in_bytes": 20857350220,
      "terms_memory": "16.9gb",
      "terms_memory_in_bytes": 18227430454,
      "stored_fields_memory": "2.3gb",
      "stored_fields_memory_in_bytes": 2477163768,
      "term_vectors_memory": "0b",
      "term_vectors_memory_in_bytes": 0,
      "norms_memory": "3.6mb",
      "norms_memory_in_bytes": 3857920,
      "points_memory": "141.8mb",
      "points_memory_in_bytes": 148714118,
      "doc_values_memory": "179.6kb",
      "doc_values_memory_in_bytes": 183960,
      "index_writer_memory": "0b",
      "index_writer_memory_in_bytes": 0,
      "version_map_memory": "0b",
      "version_map_memory_in_bytes": 0,
      "fixed_bit_set": "0b",
      "fixed_bit_set_memory_in_bytes": 0,
      "max_unsafe_auto_id_timestamp": -1,
      "file_sizes": {}
  "nodes": {
    "count": {
      "total": 15,
      "data": 12,
      "coordinating_only": 0,
      "master": 3,
      "ingest": 12
    "versions": [
    "os": {
      "available_processors": 102,
      "allocated_processors": 102,
      "names": [
          "count": 15
      "mem": {
        "total": "400.3gb",
        "total_in_bytes": 429922283520,
        "free": "10gb",
        "free_in_bytes": 10803552256,
        "used": "390.3gb",
        "used_in_bytes": 419118731264,
        "free_percent": 3,
        "used_percent": 97
    "process": {
      "cpu": {
        "percent": 103
      "open_file_descriptors": {
        "min": 976,
        "max": 1672,
        "avg": 1240
    "jvm": {
      "max_uptime": "36d",
      "max_uptime_in_millis": 3113697500,
      "mem": {
        "heap_used": "110.9gb",
        "heap_used_in_bytes": 119181292112,
        "heap_max": "206.1gb",
        "heap_max_in_bytes": 221375496192
      "threads": 2520
    "fs": {
      "total": "17.3tb",
      "total_in_bytes": 19033313402880,
      "free": "8.7tb",
      "free_in_bytes": 9622869487616,
      "available": "7.8tb",
      "available_in_bytes": 8656250187776
    "network_types": {
      "transport_types": {
        "netty4": 15
      "http_types": {
        "filter-jetty": 15

GET _cluster/health :

  "cluster_name": "563885087084:vsemetricssushiprod",
  "status": "green",
  "timed_out": false,
  "number_of_nodes": 15,
  "number_of_data_nodes": 12,
  "active_primary_shards": 21,
  "active_shards": 42,
  "relocating_shards": 0,
  "initializing_shards": 0,
  "unassigned_shards": 0,
  "delayed_unassigned_shards": 0,
  "number_of_pending_tasks": 0,
  "number_of_in_flight_fetch": 0,
  "task_max_waiting_in_queue_millis": 0,
  "active_shards_percent_as_number": 100


health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
green open myindex-2019-04 my-id 5 1 4606992997 0 5tb 2.5tb
green open .kibana my-id 1 1 28 7 491.1kb 245.5kb
green open myindex my-id 5 1 0 0 2.5kb 1.2kb
green open myindex-2019-05 my-id 5 1 2871736396 0 3.2tb 1.6tb

Exact Ditto error. exact change made.
index-job was in there
created index-job-2019 and created indexpattern index-job*

and now I get error saying same N of n shards failed.

I will keep eye on this thread for my solution as well

That index pattern is covering indices which are missing shards (data). What is the result of _cluster/health and _cat/indices?

Thanks for replying! Updated my post with cluster health and _cat/indicies

With the updated _cat/indices response, I don't see any indices which would match your index pattern. Is that expected?

Sorry, updated index name to match.

Everything looks OK regarding the cluster state. Is this still a problem for you? Is it possible that some nodes were down when you were receiving that error previously?

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