KIbana 6.7.2 not showing CSV generator options

Kibana is not showing the csv generator option .Let us know what options are needed to get the same.


Hi there, the CSV sharing option requires that you have the Reporting plugin enabled, which comes as part of X-Pack included in our default distribution.

Can you verify that you're using the default distribution by navigating to Management > License Management? While you're there could you tell me which license you're using?

Can you verify that you have Reporting enabled by checking that xpack.reporting.enabled: false is not set in your kibana.yml file? See the reporting settings docs for more info.

I cannot see the licence management options on server.

Although, i have local setup of kibana where i can see both licence management section and CSV report options. What could be wrong on the server.?
local version 6.6.2
server version 6.7.2

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