Kibana 6.8 rpm Installation issue

The Kibana 6.8 64-bit rpm sha512 hash doesn't match downloaded file and installation on RHEL 7 gives the following error:

Error unpacking rpm package kibana-6.8.0-1.x86_64
error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/share/kibana/node_modules/x-pack/plugins/reporting/export_types/printable_pdf/server/lib/pdf/assets/fonts/noto/NotoSansCJKtc-Medium.ttf;5cfe94d0: cpio: Digest mismatch

Hash should be: cb7e080fa98a1a62a77405d5c0a6df705bdf2e80ea1ae974ab51fea08619d17ed3a5f21be5cd5e51aba54af067c650825cd184d6b06178e94611da50cc878dc6

Hash on downloaded file:

Hey @mtaormina
I've just downloaded the rpm from
and I've checked that the two sha512 are exactly the same:

▶ cat kibana-6.8.0-x86_64.rpm.sha512
cb7e080fa98a1a62a77405d5c0a6df705bdf2e80ea1ae974ab51fea08619d17ed3a5f21be5cd5e51aba54af067c650825cd184d6b06178e94611da50cc878dc6  kibana-6.8.0-x86_64.rpm

▶ openssl dgst -sha512 kibana-6.8.0-x86_64.rpm
SHA512(kibana-6.8.0-x86_64.rpm)= cb7e080fa98a1a62a77405d5c0a6df705bdf2e80ea1ae974ab51fea08619d17ed3a5f21be5cd5e51aba54af067c650825cd184d6b06178e94611da50cc878dc6

Can you please specify where you have downloaded that rpm package?

Thanks for the reply Marco. I just tried again and the hash does now match. I was consistently getting the first hash below on the file a couple of weeks ago for multiple download attempts.

c:\Windows\system32\certutil.exe -hashfile "\temp\kibana-6.8.0-x86_64 (2).rpm" SHA512
SHA512 hash of \temp\kibana-6.8.0-x86_64 (2).rpm:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

c:\Windows\system32\certutil.exe -hashfile "\temp\kibana-6.8.0-x86_64 (4).rpm" SHA512
SHA512 hash of \temp\kibana-6.8.0-x86_64 (4).rpm:
CertUtil: -hashfile command completed successfully.

Maybe it was some old cache in between, I will inform our infrastructure team about that, thanks for reporting and happy to hear that it's solved now

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