Kibana 7.16.1 plugin installation

Hello there,

I am updating my Elasticstack from 7.13.3 to 7.16.1 due to apache Log4j2 vulnerability.

Now I have a custom plugin which is compatible with 7.13.3. I assume it should be compatible with 7.16.1. can I just install old plugin (7.13.3) to the new stack (7.16.1) ? or I have to go through the whole development process?

I tried to install the plugin by following steps from Elastic documentation.

$ bin/kibana-plugin install file:///local/path/to/

when I ran this and the command was successful. I checked plugin directory of Kibana and plugin was there.

So, I started Elasticsearch cluster and tried to run Kibana but it gave me following errors.

  log   [15:10:47.008] [error][plugins-service] PluginDiscoveryError: Plugin manifest for "customplugin" must contain an "owner" property, which includes a nested "name" property. (invalid-manifest, C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\plugins\customplugin\kibana.json)
    at Function.invalidManifest (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\plugins\discovery\plugin_discovery_error.js:44:12)
    at parseManifest (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\plugins\discovery\plugin_manifest_parser.js:125:56) {
  type: 'invalid-manifest',
  path: 'C:\\ELK7.16.1\\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\\plugins\\customplugin\\kibana.json',
  cause: Error: Plugin manifest for "customplugin" must contain an "owner" property, which includes a nested "name" property.
      at parseManifest (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\plugins\discovery\plugin_manifest_parser.js:125:86)
  log   [15:10:47.458] [fatal][root] Error: Failed to initialize plugins:
        Plugin manifest for "customplugin" must contain an "owner" property, which includes a nested "name" property. (invalid-manifest, C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\plugins\customplugin\kibana.json)
    at PluginsService.handleDiscoveryErrors (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\plugins\plugins_service.js:173:13)
    at (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\plugins\plugins_service.js:65:5)
    at Server.preboot (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\server.js:161:30)
    at Root.preboot (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\root\index.js:48:14)
    at bootstrap (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\core\server\bootstrap.js:99:9)
    at Command.<anonymous> (C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\src\cli\serve\serve.js:229:5)

 FATAL  Error: Failed to initialize plugins:
        Plugin manifest for "customplugin" must contain an "owner" property, which includes a nested "name" property. (invalid-manifest, C:\ELK7.16.1\kibana-7.16.1-windows-x86_64\plugins\customplugin\kibana.json)

Following are contents of Kibana.json and package.json files.

  "id": "customplugin",
  "version": "1.0.0",
  "kibanaVersion": "7.16.1",
  "server": true,
  "ui": true,
  "requiredPlugins": [
  "optionalPlugins": []

  "name": "customplugin",
  "version": "0.0.0",
  "private": true,
  "scripts": {
    "build": "yarn plugin-helpers build",
    "plugin-helpers": "node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers",
    "kbn": "node ../../scripts/kbn"

Please help!

Thank you,

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Add the following lines to your kibana.json, under the "id" line. Replace "scrimblo" with the name of the plugin creator/owner (or whatever you want, this is very silly)

  "owner": {
          "name": "scrimblo"

Source: kibana/ at main · elastic/kibana · GitHub

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Thank you Mongo. Appreciate your help!

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