Kibana Discover: configure the default fields shown in results

We have two ELK instances, ostensibly with the same data. One is accessed via a Kibana version 7 interface, one via Kibana 8.

The default fields displayed in Discover results differ between the two (see below). I'm unsure of whether this is because of

  1. some property of the underlying elastic schemas,
  2. customization of the defaults of each Kibana instance,
  3. some other per-user Kibana configuration,
  4. something different between Kibana 7 and Kibana 8

...and I'm so clueless that I'm not even sure what to look for in the documentation.

How can I change/re-order/suppress the fields returned by Discover (i.e., make the version 8 output look like the version 7 output)?

Version 7:

vs. version 8:

(also posted in SO at elastic stack - Kibana Discover: configure the default fields shown in results - Stack Overflow )

Discover has changed in version 8.

The old way it is deprecated and will be removed in version 9, but you can change it in version 8 by going into Stack Management > Kibana > Advanced Settings.

Then search for legacy and in the Document Explorer or classic view, click on the selector to turn on the doc_table:legacy to bring back the old behavior of discover.

Thanks -- that definitely makes the layout more pleasing. But I'm still unclear how to control what fields are shown by default. I tried creating a new Data View but only certain fields seemed available to be added to the Field filters.