Kibana does not create a .kibana

Did you configure the beats to collect data from your app?

In both filebeat and metricbeat .yml i have only configuration to set my logstash,elastic and kibana. i dont have any other configuration that might hit my app. This is the point where i am confused.

Ok, I thought that was what you meant but wanted to be sure.

This will depend somewhat on the app and how it's made/what technologies it uses. For eg, if you use Apache/nginx as the webserver, then you can use the pre-built modules. If you aren't using those then check out the HTTP module for Metricbeat, as it can poll a generic, remote HTTP endpoint.

for the app i am using only nginx, and that modules has been enable already.
So i enabled http, the host should be left as localhost or i need to set the app ip there?
since i enable http, metricbeat stop working, i cannot start the service or access it in kibana

You will need to point it to your app, yes.

It might be worth starting another thread for that, as we're pretty far away from the original topic :slight_smile:

sure, i start another thread for meatricbeat. Thank you very much

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