Kibana elastic search related to logs query

HI Team,

in filebeat , i have provided path from where logs to be fetched ,ultimately in kibana .
Now, suppose after 1 day, i moved my logs to some different path which is not configured in filebeat.

Since, on the first day, first day logs were successfully getting reflected in kibana. Now, on next day, i am not able to see the same logs. is Elastic stack behave in the same way?..Can't we see the logs which was visible yesterday? if not, then why index is consuming the space if it can not show the logs which kibana already did yesterday.

INFO: i am using 7.1 basic.
no indexes were deleted.


If you have closed the terminal (or computer) the Elasticsearch and Logstash would have stopped which could result in Elasticsearch and Logstash forgetting you data.

I assume this could be the case as there is a gap of a day.

Elastic search was running
Filebeat was stopped.

what is a way to reflects the previous day logs in kibana?
i have checked shows the today logs and not previous logs.


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