Kibana: Failed to decrypt "apiKey" attribute: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data

Hello everybody,

I am facing the error:

Kibana: Failed to decrypt "apiKey" attribute: Unsupported state or unable to authenticate data

After that I added the line below to Kibana configuration file:

xpack.encryptedSavedObjects.encryptionKey: "azertyuiopqsdfghjklmwxcvbn1234567890"

Could you tell me please how can resolve the problem

Thanks for your help.

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What steps did you do to get this error?
Which version are you on? For example, here is a bug that was fixed in 7.7.1

Best regards

thanks for your reply @Wolfram_Haussig

I got that error just when I added that line to kibana configuration
for the versions, I am trying kibana and Elasticsearch from code source, so it's version 8.0.0

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if there are executing rule errors near like the following, the cause is that some alerts are corrupted (probably because were saved with a different key by another Kibana instance) so you have to disable and enable the alerts that are shown in error at Stack Management/Rules and Connectors

Executing Rule default:some_alert_name:b5e2b790-d781-11ec-a057-9302a693dae8 has resulted in Error: Unable to decrypt attribute "apiKey"