Kibana HTML Login

Hi Team,
Is there a way to configure HTML WebSSO on Kibana server?

Currently i have implemented shield (integrated with AD) and kibana is populating a window for user authentication. We have setup an identity management tool which does auto logon. This tool expects a "HTML WebSSO" to pass user authorization but there is not such option.

We reach out to the tool support and they are exploring options in the mean time they suggested if we can setup HTML for Kibana (curl for kibana server) then it would work. We tried below in that call, please suggest.

curl -XGET http://-----:5601

curl --user test1 -XGET http://-----:5601
Enter host password for user 'test1':

var hashRoute = '/app/kibana'; var defaultRoute = '/app/kibana'; var hash = window.location.hash; if (hash.length) { window.location = hashRoute + hash; } else { window.location = defaultRoute; } Thanks & Regards,

Hi there,

Hmm I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to do. It sounds like you're trying to implement SSO for Kibana, but I'm not sure what you mean by "HTML WebSSO", and I'm not sure what you're trying to do with the code you pasted. Could you please clarify what you mean by "HTML WebSSO", and elaborate more on what you're trying to do with your code and where you're running into problems with it?

In terms of using SSO with Kibana, here are a couple threads which cover the topic:

Please let me know if this helps!
