Kibana -> Infrastructure -> Metrics ->> Host Metadata

Hi, I am a bit confused since on my Kibana -> Infrastructure -> Metrics ->> Host Metadata seems to be Hostname, Operating System, Kernel Version displayed properly and on the same setup on the other monitored host there is no data. Can you point me to where to find the root cause and how to display hostmetada for all monitored hosts?


Can you post some screenshot, I'm having trouble understanding the problem at the moment.

I have fixed this using sudo command starting metricbeat.service

I have noticed when I`ve changed the name in metricbeat.yml to real hostname, this fields got populated correctly in Kibana -> Infrastructure -> Metrics ->> Host Metadata
#================================ General =====================================

The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. It can be used to group

all the transactions sent by a single shipper in the web interface.

name: iPath8.soc.nevion -> [this needs to match Hostname]

I have had this shipper name slightly different (not maching the real hostname) before and I had no Hostname, Operating System and Kernel Version displayed/populated.

Is it by design?


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