Kibana Installation time is very long


We are trying to install Kibana on Azure VM and found that installation can take even more than 5h on Standard DS2 v2 (2 vcpus, 7 GB memory) VM and 128 GB SSD system disk.
We use OSS version 6.4.2.

What we can do to tune this up ? In logs we see a lot of JS files operations.
Honestly, we can install SAP HANA, Oracle DB, MS SQL Server in much shorter time even on smaller VMs !
Why this is so heavy to install !?

Best regards.

Hi @djsowa,

Unfortunately, it's a known issue, Kibana zip includes thousands of files (npm modules etc.). We track it here:

Having said that we actively working on the solution for this problem that should drastically decrease a number of files within Kibana package and hence installation/unpacking time.


Thanks for message.
In the meantime we found that installation take few minutes on the same VM size with pure OS image.
So we try to disable auditd on our base OS image and it helps a LOT, installed in less than 10 minutes.
When operating on large number of files auditd can slow it down !

Ah, right, you mentioned MS SQL Server so I thought you had a Windows VM :slight_smile:

Yes, You can install MS SQL on Linux now :wink:

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