I am unable to view a particular log in Kibana interface however that line of log is present in the log file of the application server.
I am searching wih the GUID parameter from below line, but unable to get it in the Kibana GUI
(17.0.redhat-630310 | LogTimestamp:2018-02-12 18:29:53.848|Severity:INFO|ManagedServer:|SourceSystemID:OCS|ChannelMedia:WEB|GUID:LTdNRBrkIBSsHFVvBkf8Ewxvn6Yyuqv9_4bb116)
If I search with other GUID i am able to find them. Please help
Can you confirm that the data is in Elasticsearch? Kibana is only searching against data indexed in Elasticsearch, not against the server files themselves. I would suggest confirming that whatever pipeline you have set up to ingest the logs from the application server into ES is working correctly.
Connection #0 to host left intact
So yeah looks like the data is just not in Elasticsearch. You need to look into the configuration of logstash and how the data is getting into Elasticsearch. The Logstash forum should be able to help you.
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