Kibana Management View


The current Kibana (6.4) I'm using has in the view Management --> [Index Patterns],[Saved Objects], [Advanced Settings]. I am able to query the .watcher index for logs containing alerting via 'Discover'. I want to be able to use the Watcher UI to create those watch instead of executing the curl command to create the watches. In the docs mention to create a kibana user 'watcher_admin' role on the 'Management' --> Security --> Users page. I don't even have the Security view in Management. Do I need to enable more security setting in kibana.yml? I'm using the xpack trial license.


If you don't have security enabled in Kibana, you can skip that step. You just need to open the Alerting tab in the Management.

I don't have the 'Alerting' tab in Management. There are only these three in Management ---> [Index Patterns],[Saved Objects], [Advanced Settings].

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