Kibana Map Doesnt Load

Hello, I make a post because I'm not be able to load map in Kibana.

My deployment is a VM with Elastic+Kibana+Elastic-Agent (standalone) On Premise without license and with Internet Connection. VM uses Linux SUSE.

I connect to Kibana from a browser on a virtual desktop that does not have access to the Internet, but the virtual machine where Elasticsearch is hosted does have access to the Internet.

The problem is that the Kibana map does not load, when I access Analytics --> Maps the basemap appears red with an X and says "An error occurred when loading layer data".

I inspect the page and see this errors:
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Unable to access fonts from Elastic Maps Service (EMS). To avoid unnecessary EMS requests, set 'map.includeElasticMapsService: false' in 'kibana.yml'. For more details please visit: Connect to Elastic Maps Service | Kibana Guide [8.14] | Elastic 1

I understand that it is because the browser does not have an Internet connection. But is there any alternative to fix this? I would like to be able to represent the IP connections on a map, so I don't need much detail, a little zoom would be enough.


Added maps

Unfortunately no, with the basic license you need access to the internet to use the Elastic Maps Service.

The option to self-host the Map Service requires an Enterprise license.

If you want to use the maps you will need to give access to the internet to your Kibana Instance, at least for the domains used by it.


Completing @leandrojmp answer.

If you can't give access to your browser you may need to disable Elastic Maps Service as the message says and the docs explain.

With that you'll have a blank background. If you are plotting world IPs you may want to upload to Elasticsearch the world countries or world regions datasets available at and use those as a very basic background that does not need any connection outside your cluster. Details about importing geospatial data here.

Hope it helps.