Kibana not ready yet

Hi im new in elasticstack and try to install elasticsearch nad kibana in virtualbox. I have 2VM network setting a had 2adapter one nat network and 2nd inet. VM can see each other.

Everything wokrs well if i use http. I try to add self signed cert for https. Elasticsearch work good. But kibana dont.

I post my zml settings for each server. I create service token for kibana try it with curl and thats works. But kibana still cant works. Can u help me thx

Hi @Marek_Galbavy,

Welcome! Which version of Elasticsearch and Kibana are you using? Can you follow the troubleshooting steps in this post to get more information on this error.

If you could share the configuration and and errors in the logs as text rather than code it would be appreciated as it's difficult to read.

Let us know!