Kibana not showing results if I query using 2017-12-01 12:00:00.000 - 2017-12-30 22:59:59:999

Kibana not showing results if I query using 2017-12-01 12:00:00.000 - 2017-12-30 22:59:59:999, but If I change my query to 2017-12-01 12:00:00.000 - 2017-12-30 23:00:00.000 gives me correct output.

my date field mapping is "strict_date_optional_time||epoch_millis"

Any Idea regarding it.

I am not able to reproduce this issue. I can retrieve data with an absolute time set to 22:59:59:999.

Maybe the data is at 2017-12-30 23:00:00.000? Have you tried looking at your data with a date_histogram aggregation on the target field to see where it is distributed?

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