Kibana savej object giving error on import: migrating from 7.9.1 to 8.7.1 version full elk stack

Hello All,

I'm migrating my full elk stack stack from 7.9.1 to 8.7.1 and facing issues while importing saved object in 8.7.1,below is the error in second image:

How do I save saved object and download -shown below 1st image, do I need to export config option also,will this cause issue while importing in 8.7.1?

NOTE: while doing migration already my 7.9.1 stack was UP and now kibana shows various issues to start properly 8.7.1.

Plz tell how to migrate saved object correctly from 7.9.1 to 8.7.1 without conflicts.Does while exporting from 7.9.1 should i choose config option?, will this cause issue while importing to 8.7.1?.........Reason asking bcz in saved object config 7.9.1 is showing,so it will conflict in 8.7.1?


[2023-07-12T08:29:44.635+02:00][INFO ][status] Kibana is now available (was degraded)
[2023-07-12T08:29:47.373+02:00][WARN ][plugins.usageCollection.usage-collection.usage-counters-service**] ResponseError: index [.kibana_8.7.1_001] blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/8/index write (api)];: cluster_block_exception
	Root causes:
		cluster_block_exception: index [.kibana_8.7.1_001] blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/8/index write (api)];
    at KibanaTransport.request (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@elastic/transport/lib/Transport.js:479:27)
    at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at KibanaTransport.request (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-elasticsearch-client-server-internal/src/create_transport.js:51:16)
    at ClientTraced.UpdateApi [as update] (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@elastic/elasticsearch/lib/api/api/update.js:50:12)
[2023-07-12T08:29:47.377+02:00][WARN ][plugins.usageCollection.usage-collection.usage-counters-service] ResponseError: index [.kibana_8.7.1_001] blocked by: [FORBIDDEN/8/index write (api)];: cluster_block_exception

elastic 8.8.2 was upgraded just for tsesting but reverted back to 8.7.1 and kibana 8.8.2 was never installed,still error in kibana logs below:

 Automatically setting 'xpack.screenshotting.browser.chromium.disableSandbox: true'.
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.282+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] Waiting until all Elasticsearch nodes are compatible with Kibana before starting saved objects migrations...
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.283+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] Starting saved objects migrations
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.463+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] [.kibana_task_manager] INIT -> WAIT_FOR_YELLOW_SOURCE. took: 122ms.
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.502+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] [.kibana] INIT -> FATAL. took: 168ms.
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.504+02:00][FATAL]`[root] Error: Unable to complete saved object migrations for the [.kibana] index: The .kibana alias is pointing to a newer version of Kibana: v8.8.2`
    at migrationStateActionMachine (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-saved-objects-migration-server-internal/src/migrations_state_action_machine.js:125:29)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
    at async Promise.all (index 0)
    at SavedObjectsService.start (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal/src/saved_objects_service.js:179:9)
    at Server.start (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/server.js:331:31)
    at Root.start (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/root/index.js:63:14)
    at bootstrap (/l/app/cis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/bootstrap.js:105:5)


7.9.1 is EOL and no longer supported. Please upgrade ASAP.

(This is an automated response from your friendly Elastic bot. Please report this post if you have any suggestions or concerns :elasticheart: )

I don't exactly understand the significance of config in the image provided,now while exporting 7.9.1 savedobject with "config option" , this could be the reason saved object causing issue while importing in 8.7.1 version?

Can someone plz assist?

Hi @PRASHANT_MEHTA, before upgrading to 8.x, you must upgrade your Elastic stack from 7.9 to 7.17. Try exporting your saved objects from 7.17, then to 8.x.

Hi @tsullivan
Many thanx for your response.
What I did was just installed kibana 7.17.11 version and tried it to connect with elasticsaerch 8.7.1 present version. Is this wrong? , kibana 7.17.11 version dosen't connect with 8.7.1 .

Do I need to downgrade both kibana and elastic to 7.17.11 version and then export saved object and then import to 8.x ?
If downgraded then in 7.9.1 version while exporting saved object I used to get CONFIG also exported,should I avoid this?, will this cause any issue while imported tp 8.7.1 version.

LOGS ABOVE shows circuit break and [root] Error: Unable to complete saved object migrations for the [.kibana] index: The .kibana alias is pointing to a newer version of Kibana: v8.8.2.
Not getting exactly whats happening.

[2023-07-12T21:21:11.282+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] Waiting until all Elasticsearch nodes are compatible with Kibana before starting saved objects migrations...
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.283+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] Starting saved objects migrations
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.463+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] [.kibana_task_manager] INIT -> WAIT_FOR_YELLOW_SOURCE. took: 122ms.
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.502+02:00][INFO ][savedobjects-service] [.kibana] INIT -> FATAL. took: 168ms.
[2023-07-12T21:21:11.504+02:00][FATAL][root] Error: Unable to complete saved object migrations for the [.kibana] index: The .kibana alias is pointing to a newer version of Kibana: v8.8.2
at migrationStateActionMachine (/l/app/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-saved-objects-migration-server-internal/src/migrations_state_action_machine.js:125:29)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Promise.all (index 0)
at SavedObjectsService.start (/l/appmis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-saved-objects-server-internal/src/saved_objects_service.js:179:9)
at Server.start (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/server.js:331:31)
at Root.start (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/root/index.js:63:14)
at bootstrap (/l/ppp/mis/tmp/kibana-8.7.1/node_modules/@kbn/core-root-server-internal/src/bootstrap.js:105:5)

You need to upgrade the 7.6 cluster to 7.17 and the Elasticsearch version also needs to be 7.17. In the 7.17 environment, you will need to use the Upgrade Assistant, to prepare your data for migration and address any deprecated settings that will be removed. Make sure your saved objects are installed in 7.17 for this step. This step will rewrite your saved objects to be compatible for import into 8.x. You may choose to export your 7.17-based saved objects and keep them as a separate backup.

Then, you can upgrade your stack to 8.7. Your installed saved objects will be migrated to the latest schema when a Kibana 8.7 instance starts.

Hello @tsullivan ,

I've lot of confusion here,what is happening wrong here and would this cause issue later in current version in use i.e 8.8.2 now.

What I did is import my saved object is followed as you guided:7.9.1->7.17.11->8.8.2
Plz observe how the config value in each version increases,is it normal?...I hope it wont create any coflicts.

Step 1:This is how I exported my saved object from 7.9.1:

step 2: Imported this 7.17.11 version:

exported from 7.17.11 to 8.8.2

plz observe how config no increases is it normal or will it cause issue?.HOW to check if everything worked fine?.
i dont have data coming in any of my indices for now to check accuracy of migration done successfully or not ,any way to know this?

Hi @PRASHANT_MEHTA , I think you are making great progress!

The config objects you aren't familiar with are automatically added by Kibana to allow it to track what was migrated - that is why they accumulate with each upgrade. You can look at these objects if you want, by searching for the config type in Stack Management > Saved Objects, then click "Inspect" under the actions menu in the table. You'll see it's basically just metadata that helps Kibana operate itself.

It looks like everything is going OK. To make sure, the way to make sure is to open up the dashboards and saved searches in Kibana. If there is an error with the saved object, there will be a message on the screen.

Hello @tsullivan ,

Many Thanx for your time to look into this and helping out with your suggestions and feedback on this.

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