I use a docker instance of Kibana.
This one, (Docker). It works fine largely.
Now when I try to create a visualization of type "Coordinate Map", I get this warning shown.
Coordinate Map: Could not retrieve manifest from the tile service: status -1
And the background map is not rendered.
I believe this is because my Kibana instance is not able to reach the default WMS instance.
From inside the docker instance, these curl's work fine,
curl https://tiles.maps.elastic.co/v2/manifest
{"services":[{"id":"road_map","url":"https://tiles.maps.elastic.co/v2/default/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?elastic_tile_service_tos=agree&my_app_name=kibana","minZoom":0,"maxZoom":10,"attribution":"© OpenStreetMap contributors | Elastic Maps Service"}]}root@0f28400b372f:/var/log/kibana#
curl https://vector.maps.elastic.co/v2/manifest
{"layers": [{"attribution": "Made with NaturalEarth | Elastic Maps Service", "name": "World Countries", "weight": 1, "format": "geojson"...
Could you please let me know how to resolve this issue.
Appreciate your help on this.