Kibana tribe index

Good afternoon,
Does anyone have a suggestion for a deleted .kibana-tribe index?
(.kibana is still there)
Currently our Snapshots don't backup any index that starts with a "."

Suggestion for what exactly?

For possibly restoring or building the index. Kibana discover still works however the dashboards do not.

So the index was deleted and you don't have a backup?
Then you need to start from scratch, and make sure it is included in backups moving forward.

That is correct. So the dashboards are in the .kibana-tribe index and not the .kibana?

It appears I'll have to rebuild the dashboards but I did find a way to rebuild the .kibana-tribe index:
On the tribe node edit the kibana.yml and change the elasticsearch.url: to one of the data nodes.
Restart Kibana services.
Let it rebuild .kibana-tribe index.
Edit kibana.yml again and edit the elasticsearch.url: back to the tribe node.
Restart Kibana services.