Kibana visualization problem with metrics-1m index


This is my first post, sorry if I forgot something.

I'm trying to create a visualization with APM default Dataview (that has traces-apm*, logs-apm*, and metrics-apm*). However, I'm facing a problem with the result of the count with and without aggregations in buckets.

For example, when I use the visualization without an aggregation in buckets, the result of the count is 80, the same value as we have in Discover with the same filters.

When I add a bucket with an aggregation by a term (or filter or other), the number resulting in this new count is bigger (140+) than the before result, without changes in filters.

Trying to troubleshoot the problem, I discover that the problem probably is related to the metrics 1m index, because when I remove this index, the problem is solved (metrics-apm.service_transaction.1m-default and others).
Probably it occurs because of _doc_count into the doc in this index.

My questions:

  • Is this behavior of using the 1m metric indexes expected?
  • Other metrics indexes like 10m and 60m are hidden, only the 1m ones are not. Could this be the problem??


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