Kibana viz


how to display multi curves in TSVB viz (kibana 7.4.0) according to the user's choice ,

Thank you .

Hi @suibgui,

Could you provide more details about your data set (data sample will be helpful) and what goal you want to achieve?

Regards, Dzmitry

for exemple i want to sh ow only one curves according to my choice ,

thank you.


You could add a new visualization called "Controls" - from there you can add an "option list".

And all of that you put under one dashboard.


unfortunately, you can't do it on TSVB itself.

As @GilKor stated, you need to create Input Contol viz representing filtering of your choice, add it and TSVB viz on the same dashboard, Then you should be able to achieve your goal.

Regards, Dzmitry

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