log whoever connects to the kibana web interface

Hi everyone, I need to have logs of who connects to the kibana web interface, I have several accounts and I would like to be able to monitor these accesses. I have kibana version 8.3.2, what can I do? Thank you

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Audit logs

As mentioned you need to enable Audit logs, but keep in mind that this is a subscription feature, which means that this will not work if you are using the Basic license, you need a paid license for this.


you can enable audit logging:

open the kibana.yml and add the following settings to enable audit logging:

xpack.security.audit.enabled: true
  kind: file
  path: /path/to/your/audit.log
    kind: json

Replace /path/to/your/audit.log with the path where you want to store the audit log file.



thanks to everyone, by putting into practice solution 2 of the kibana.yml file the site becomes unreachable. can I do anything else? Thank you

As mentioned, do you have a paid license? This feature will only work if you have a paid license like platinum or enterprise, it doesnt work with a basic license.

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