M3 16" macbookpro trackpad scrolling issue with kibana console?

Has anybody encountered issue with scrolling? Whenever I reverse 2 finger scrolling, the screen would stutter or stops the scrolling action.
It only happens with kibana console page. Both on firefox and safari.

I have no issues with scrolling on any web pages so it's not a HW issue. The same browser on kibana console, I don't see the issue scrolling on the menu (3 horizontal bars)

The issue is only on the content of kibana console. Both command and payload panes.

@linkerc is there a particular version of Kibana you are seeing this on?

we are running 8.10.2. It's very apparent because I just switched to a new laptop from 2019 MBP intel CPU version and I noticed it immediately.
Nothing else changed (maybe the browsers' binary changed due to different OSX? But that means both firefox and safari share the same code...).
It only happens on the kibana dev console and nothing else. All other scrollings from various sites and menu work fine.
All I have to do is slide 2 fingers on the trackpad up and down searching for a particular field/document and the scrolling freezes.
Horizontal scrolling will also freeze.

It feels like the scrolling input pauses for few seconds. If I just scroll one direction, lift my fingers then scroll again, it would freeze as well if I do it quickly. I had to lift my fingers for several seconds before scrolling input is responsive again.

I can post a short clip of the problem in action if you are interested. Very easily reproducible on my laptop.

I just tried other browsers and it seems to only happen with firefox.
Somehow safari no longer exhibit such behavior.

I rebooted my machine just now so Firefox is the one with issue. Both Safari and Chrome work fine.

Safari still exhibit the behavior, just much less often.
It seems to be coincide with the ES logo on upper left spinning and loses focus on the window.

Have you updated Safari and Chrome recently? This looks to be a browser specific issue rather than a Kibana issue. I can't see a particular bug that may be relevant in the GitHub issue list.