I have settled the marvel plugin for my ES cluster. But I found that everyday there will a marvel index be created.
how can i stop this mavel index created?
I have settled the marvel plugin for my ES cluster. But I found that everyday there will a marvel index be created.
how can i stop this mavel index created?
You can configure the setting index.name.time_format
for a given exporter:
id1: # default local exporter
type: local
id2: # example of an http exporter
type: http # exporter type, local or http
host: [ "http://domain:port",... ] # host(s) to send data to over http or https
time_format: <string> # time format suffix for marvel indices (default: "YYYY.MM.dd")
If you want monthly indices, use "YYYY.MM".
However if you stop Marvel from creating the indices altogether, it'll break.
If you don't want the data, uninstall the plugin.
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