Merge data from two index in single table

I have an alias which has 2 indexes. Using Data table to visualize the alias.
Below are the way i have configured the table.

The problem i am facing, the first column "Webservice" is repeated for both the indexes.
Is there a way i can have only one "Webservice" column followed by two 90th percentile columns.

Here is how it looks currently:

Are you using an Elasticsearch alias? I am not sure how you would be able to split the table as is seen in your screenshot if that is the case.

Here is the data as I have setup through Console:

PUT /discuss-90628-a
PUT /discuss-90628-b

POST /_aliases
  "actions": [
      "add": {
        "indices": [
        "alias": "discuss-90628"

POST /discuss-90628-b/doc
  "service": "Index",
  "response_time": 1.1

POST /discuss-90628-b/doc
  "service": "Index",
  "response_time": 1.2

POST /discuss-90628-b/doc
  "service": "Index",
  "response_time": 1.3

POST /discuss-90628-a/doc
  "service": "Login",
  "response_time": 2.3

POST /discuss-90628-a/doc
  "service": "Login",
  "response_time": 2.1

POST /discuss-90628-a/doc
  "service": "Login",
  "response_time": 2.4

I now have an index discuss-90628 which combines data from both discuss-90628-a and discuss-90628-b. I have intentionally placed those with service=Login in one and service=Index in the other.

I then created a Data Table of the 90 percentile response times for the services.

I also noticed that you're taking the 90th percentile of a field called 90percent. I am not sure what "90percent" contains, but you probably want to either average it out if it's a sample or perform the aggregation on the actual time.

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