We have a kibana 4.6 with many visualizations configured and would like to move them to a fresh install of Kibana 5.3, so .kibana is 100% ver 5.3
When doing an export of specific visualizations in 4.6 and import in 5.3, things break. The visualizations are showing in the list of available visualizations but when clicking on one of them in order to view them, we get the following error:
Error: Could not locate that visualization (id: XXX)
at SavedObject.applyESResp (https://localhost/portal/bundles/kibana.bundle.js?v=14823:29:23813)
at processQueue (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:38:23621)
at https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:38:23888
at Scope.$eval (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:39:4619)
at Scope.$digest (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:39:2359)
at Scope.$apply (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:39:5037)
at done (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:37:25027)
at completeRequest (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:37:28702)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onload (https://localhost/portal/bundles/commons.bundle.js?v=14823:37:29634)
From a first glance, it looks like something is messed-up with the ID, something was changed in that matter between the versions.
It is not possible to recreate all of the visualizations, since we're talking about ~50 of them. We can do json changes in advance, before the actual import, but we cannot tel right now what we should change.
Any idea ?