Monitor synthetics in status "Pending" v8.14.0


I'm trying to use monitor type browser in Synthetics monitors but when creating the monitor it gets stuck in "pending" indefinitely. i Using private locations but don´t works

My architecture is:

The error message I get is: factory could not create monitor: monitor type browser does not exist, valid types are [http synthetics/http icmp synthetics/icmp tcp synthetics/tcp]



step('Go to', async () => {

await page.goto('');
step('Click internal:role=link[name="Manage data retention"i]', async () => {
await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Manage data retention' }).click();

Could you help me?
thanks in advance

Hi @Cristian_Pereyra,

elastic-agent-complete v8.14.1 was released to fix the issue you're experiencing: [Heartbeat] Move import to cmd for agentbeat by emilioalvap · Pull Request #39818 · elastic/beats · GitHub.
The error should go away if you upgrade to 8.14.1 or latter.

Hope that helps!

that was the solutions.

thank you :slight_smile:
