Monitoring -> Elasticsearch -> Nodes = sort broken

I'm using Elastic Stack 6.3.1 and while in Monitoring app (via Kibana), if I choose Nodes (under Elasticsearch) and then try to sort by Name (by clicking on it), I see arrow goes up/down, however sort isn't working (I can only sort by Shards).

Also slightly unrelated, but still somewhat relevant... Is there a "mobile theme" version (or something similar) coming to Kibana as Kibana web interface renders very poorly on my Android (9) / Chrome (67) & iOS (11) / Safari?

Sorry to hear this issue is affecting you. It was reported here: Monitoring UI node list sort and filter features no longer work · Issue #20132 · elastic/kibana · GitHub and the fix will go out in 6.3.3

Thanks for that info, I should've take a look there before posting, sorry about that)

What about second part of my question?

Hello there,

I apologize for missing the second part of your question. I went through a lot of questions yesterday and sometimes I miss the 2-part questions.

We have a long-running issue to make Kibana functional on mobile devices. It is part of an overall effort to use web standards, which also improve accessibility. It looks like the issue being tracked is here:

To meet that goal, we've been working on a UI component library designed with accessibility and responsiveness. There is a guide to the library at:

There are no promises when this will be sorted out. It's a large effort that we're taking on little by little. It's moving fast though and you can trust that each new minor release will see significant design improvements.

Thank you for getting back and providing all this information (it was very useful).

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