Multiple Kibana users and limit access


I have this scenario: I installed auditbeat in 2 machines and created 2 users in Kibana:
User 1: can access only index that has the names: Audibeat-machine-1
User 2: can access only index that has the names: Audibteat-machine-2

The problem is that the user 1 still can see that there is an index with the name "auditbeat-machine-2" even if he can't access the data inside.

Is there a solution to hide the name of the index for some users ?
Thanks for your help

@Larry_Gregory/ @jportner can shed more light on this.


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Hi @TheHunter1 & @rashmi:

It sounds like you're ultimately running into this long-standing enhancement request:

As an alternative, you can create different spaces for each of your users. The index patterns you create in one space won't exist in the other space, so it's a great way to achieve the isolation you're looking for.


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Thanks for your replies @rashmi & @Larry_Gregory

I will try your suggestions and keep you informed if it work for me

Thanks again :slight_smile:

Hello again,

I have tried to use spaces, and it's working perfectly and it hides the index as I wanted, but the problem is that I lost preconfigured dashboards.
Is it a limitation using spaces, or I have made a mistake configuring it ?

The first machine has the configuration bellow :

setup.dashboards.enabled: true
setup.dashboards.index: "filebeat-7.9.2-machine1"
  hosts: [""]
  index: "filebeat-7.9.2-machiine1" "filebeat"
setup.template.pattern: "filebeat-*"
setup.ilm.enabled: false

and the 2nd machine has the configuration below:

setup.dashboards.enabled: true
setup.dashboards.index: "filebeat-7.9.2-machine2"
  hosts: [""]
  index: "filebeat-7.9.2-machiine2" "filebeat"
setup.template.pattern: "filebeat-*"
setup.ilm.enabled: false

When I run setup from the 2nd machine I loss dashboards of the 1st machine.
(used saved Objects to export dashboards from the default space to the 2 spaces I created for eat machine)

Thanks for your help.

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