Multiple Logstash pipelines in Kibana Stack Monitoring


I have multiple servers(4) hosting a Logstash. Each logstash has the same configuration, with 5 different files, listed in pipelines.yml. The id is the same for earch pipeline across all logstash

Everything's fine except in Kibana Stack Monitoring :confused:
On the first page, Logstash show 5 pipelines: OK

  • p1

But when i click on "pipelines", i can see 20 lines. each pipeline seems to be duplicated 4 times.

How can i "merge" each pipeline for each logstash into one unique line in this view ?


Hi @Christophe_Journel,

What version of the stack are you using?

There is a known bug around this, with a fix already available if you are able to upgrade (assuming you are using a version before the fix)

Hi @chrisronline
Indeed, my logstash version is 7.4.1

Ah, yea that makes sense then. Are you able to upgrade to 7.5? That should fix this

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