Multiple Y axis


i have a TSVB with request, % success, % of failure.
% success, % of failure i set the option Separate axis.

the problem is that now i have 3 Y Axis,1 for requests and 1 for % success and other for % failure.

How to have the %success and %failure to share the same "secondary" Axis?
If i set no, it goes to the "primary" axis.


To have both %success and %failure share the same axis they must be on the same "series",
if docs can be discerned in success/failure using a specific field or with a query, you can build your TSVB with the following config:

  • 1 series that has the request count
  • another series that have your percentage aggregation that is grouped by terms or by a set of filters where you can specify separate axis

This is a simplified example of my comment

Hi Marco,

Thanks for your reply, i think that is not possible because i have counters and i use sum(total), sum(success) then a bucket script to divide them.

So i dont think both in same series, that means i must have both % Y axis?


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