Network Maps


I wonder if anyone has figured out how to create a network topology map in Elastic?

I have tried Graphs but that doesn't seem viable.

I am considering creating a custom visualization using vega but wanted to see if that even is possible.

I want to something like this, where I would add Heartbeat data :

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Hi @erikg

sure, network visualization can be achived with Vega: Force Directed Layout Example | Vega

The tricky part would be to get the right data from Elasticsearch to build it, as depending on the use case, can require multiple requests for a single visualization.

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Thanks, I want to use Heartbeat/Synthetics data, be able to visualize the up and down status and each node would be a host/monitor.

I think the tricky part would be showing the relationships. The relationships that would be either manually added or additional data source would be used to define the relationships.