New data not showing

I have not been able to see any data beyond April 15th.
I know there is data after the April 15th because I can see it in the 'Discovery' tab.

The only new piece of in the JSON is this:

>   "highlight": {
>         "id": [
>           "@kibana-highlighted-field@0014000000PalQeAAJ@/kibana-highlighted-field@"
>         ]
>       }

Not sure if this is just a Kibana thing or not.

Can you give a few more details like:

  • Where are you not able to see new data? when creating a visualization? on a dashboard?
  • Where are you seeing that new piece of JSON?

I cannot see new data in visualizations.
I can only see new data in the 'Discover' tab.

Here are some screen shots.

This one is the 'Discover' tab

This one is the visualizations. notice, no new data after april 15th

I think the JSON in question is safe, it's just highlghted text, and what we see is the markup to make that happen.

The greater issue is not seeing new data in the visualizations.

I created a snapshot, restored into a newer version of elasticsearch and kibana.

On the Visualization page, there is a small ^ button at the bottom of the visualization. Can you click this? It will bring up the spy pane which has information helpful for debugging. Can you paste in the information in the "Elasticsearch request body" and "Elasticsearch response body" tabs of the spy pane here, please?

There is a character limit, so I had to truncate the Response, but here goes.

Here is the Request:
> {
> "size": 0,
> "query": {
> "filtered": {
> "query": {
> "query_string": {
> "analyze_wildcard": true,
> "query": "*"
> }
> },
> "filter": {
> "bool": {
> "must": [
> {
> "range": {
> "@timestamp": {
> "gte": 1459483200000,
> "lte": 1462075199999,
> "format": "epoch_millis"
> }
> }
> }
> ],
> "must_not":
> }
> }
> }
> },
> "aggs": {
> "2": {
> "date_histogram": {
> "field": "@timestamp",
> "interval": "12h",
> "time_zone": "America/New_York",
> "min_doc_count": 1,
> "extended_bounds": {
> "min": 1459483200000,
> "max": 1462075199999
> }
> },
> "aggs": {
> "3": {
> "terms": {
> "field": "Member Type",
> "size": 16,
> "order": {
> "_count": "desc"
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }
> }

Here is the Response:

  "took": 25,
  "timed_out": false,
  "_shards": {
    "total": 5,
    "successful": 5,
    "failed": 0
  "hits": {
    "total": 284958,
    "max_score": 0,
    "hits": []
  "aggregations": {
    "2": {
      "buckets": [
          "3": {
            "doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,
            "sum_other_doc_count": 0,
            "buckets": [
                "key": "Full ATS Membership (US Only)",
                "doc_count": 6927
                "key": "Full ATS Membership (International Class A)",
                "doc_count": 2255
                "key": "Full ATS Membership (International Class C)",
                "doc_count": 1711
                "key": "Trainee ATS Membership - First Year Free (US Only)",
                "doc_count": 1224
                "key": "Trainee ATS Membership (US Only)",
                "doc_count": 1073
                "key": "Trainee ATS Membership - First Year Free (International)",
                "doc_count": 540
                "key": "Affiliate ATS Membership (US Only)",
                "doc_count": 408
                "key": "Emeritus ATS Membership",
                "doc_count": 383
                "key": "Trainee ATS Membership (International)",
                "doc_count": 383
                "key": "Senior ATS Membership (US Only)",
                "doc_count": 326
                "key": "Senior ATS Membership (International)",
                "doc_count": 248
                "key": "Full ATS Membership (International Class B)",
                "doc_count": 212
                "key": "Corporate ATS Membership",
                "doc_count": 71
                "key": "Honorary ATS Membership",
                "doc_count": 36
                "key": "Full ATS Membership (Complimentary Membership)",
                "doc_count": 22
                "key": "Affiliate ATS Membership (Complimentary Membership)",
                "doc_count": 17
          "key_as_string": "2016-04-01T00:00:00.000-04:00",
          "key": 1459483200000,
          "doc_count": 15836

Is this the same issue as New data not showing in dashboard ?
I'm getting confused by the two of them.

Yes, sorry.
I thought It'd be better to post in Kibana instead of Elasticsearch.