No Monitoring panel in Kibana

Updated licence from trial from basic, installed x-pack in all of ELK stack, and there is no Monitoring panel in Kibana.
GET /cat/indices/.monitoring* shows
yellow open .monitoring-es-6-2018.01.24 awWpfoBUSuubB5XoucY4pQ 1 1 385570 14130 216.8mb 216.8mb
yellow open .monitoring-es-6-2018.01.22 AUZgKsRGROuHpeM_8kJzig 1 1 87485 3682 44.8mb 44.8mb
yellow open .monitoring-es-6-2018.01.23 h
-me40RTBuTjrVp9pj3Gw 1 1 396119 7801 193.8mb 193.8mb

What's wrong? Documentation says that everything should work out of the box with no properties in .yml files

Hi 80c1141eb6d0c564dd90,

Considering that there are no .monitoring-kibana-6-* indices, I assume that you need to install x-pack into Kibana, in addition to having installed it into Elasticsearch.

Hope that helps,

I meant to include this link, but I got excited and hit Reply too quickly.

Here's the instructions for installing X-Pack into everything that supports it:


It is already installed: "installed x-pack in all of ELK stack".
Here is a proof from terminal below =)

/usr/share/kibana/bin/kibana-plugin install x-pack

Attempting to transfer from x-pack
Attempting to transfer from
Transferring 269812281 bytes....................
Transfer complete
Retrieving metadata from plugin archive
Extracting plugin archive
Extraction complete
Optimizing and caching browser bundles...
Plugin installation complete

and in your link there is there is a "By default, all X-Pack features are enabled"

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