Not able to create Index in ES by using logstash

Hi All,

I use this config file for twitter input.But its not creating index in Elastic Search.
When i run this config file for first time its created index.But next time when i want to create new index by using same config file its not creating index.
input {

twitter {
    # add your data
	consumer_key => ""
	consumer_secret => ""
    oauth_token => "i"
    oauth_token_secret => ""
    full_tweet => true		
    keywords => ["IndianPremierLeague"]

output {
elasticsearch_http {
host => "localhost"

    index => "twitter12"
    index_type => "tweet"

I given a different name index for 2nd time.
I try to create sincedb file but its showing me error when i run config file.

Please help me with this issue.

I use this config file file for twitter input.But its not crating index in Elastic Search.
When i run this config file its created index.But next time when i run config file its not creating index.

The index name is fixed to "twitter12", so unless you're deleting the index between the Logstash invocations I don't understand what you mean by this.

I given a different name index for 2nd time.

And then it works?

I try to create sincedb file but its showing me error when i run config file.

Why would you create a sincedb file? What error do you get?

Hi Magnusbaeck,

if i won't give sincedb logstash starting properly,but its not creating index in ES.

When i use this twitter code for first time it's created index in ES.After that when i try to create another index its not creating index in ES.

if i won't give sincedb logstash starting properly

Sorry, I don't understand what you're saying.

Again, is there anything interesting in Logstash's own logs? You may won't to turn up logging verbosity with --verbose or even --debug.