Not able to install head plugin in elasticsearch 5.0.0(Windows 7)

Hi All,
I have installed elasticsearch 5.0.0 version in Windows 7.after that i am not able to install head plugin by going through below steps.

(Running with built in server
enable cors by adding http.cors.enabled: true in elasticsearch configuration. Don’t forget to also set http.cors.allow-origin because no origin allowed by default. http.cors.allow-origin: "*" is valid value, however it’s considered as a security risk as your cluster is open to cross origin from anywhere. Check Elasticsearch documentation on this parameter: clone git:// elasticsearch-headnpm installgrunt serveropen http://localhost:9100/)

can nay body help me out. Thank you so much in advance.

Site plugins are no longer supported in Elasticsearch 5.0. Read this blog post to learn more about this.

Thanks for the info

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