O365 integration Return Wrong data Types

Hi I have tried to integrate Microsoft O365 with Elastic and i have followed the given instruction but still didnt get log details return. So i tried using Dev tools and saw im getting below "

"statusCode": 400,
"error": "Bad Request",
"message": """[request body]: types that failed validation:

  • [request body.0.inputs]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
  • [request body.1.inputs.o365-cel.streams.o365.audit.vars.client_secret]: types that failed validation:
  • [request body.0]: types that failed validation:
  • [request body.0]: expected value of type [boolean] but got [Object]
  • [request body.1]: expected value of type [string] but got [Object]
  • [request body.2]: expected value of type [number] but got [Object]
  • [request body.3]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
  • [request body.4]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
  • [request body.1]: expected value to equal [null]"""


Can any one please help me with this ?

1 Like

I am getting the same issue integrating palo alto cortex xdr with the fleet api.

  "statusCode": 400,
  "error": "Bad Request",
  "message": """[request body]: types that failed validation:
- [request body.0.inputs]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
- [request body.1.inputs.xdr-httpjson.streams.panw_cortex_xdr.alerts.vars.api_token]: types that failed validation:
 - [request body.0]: types that failed validation:
  - [request body.0]: expected value of type [boolean] but got [Object]
  - [request body.1]: expected value of type [string] but got [Object]
  - [request body.2]: expected value of type [number] but got [Object]
  - [request body.3]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
  - [request body.4]: expected value of type [array] but got [Object]
 - [request body.1]: expected value to equal [null]"""

Mine was sorted automatically, Dont know how but its sorted now :smiley:

Again same error ? :frowning:

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