onIsLockedUpdate props is not getting called on every click of Collapse section in left navigation

Image attached.

As here we are using elastic UI, Nav Drawer. Please suggest an event like click on Collapse list item section in Left Navigation bar which keeps tracks of closing and opening state of left navigation!

2|318x373 .

onIsLockedUpdate prop is not getting called on every click of the Collapse button.

Hi @ravi_yadav2! Thanks for the question.

The onIsLockedUpdate prop is not directly related to the "Collapse/Expand" button in EuiNavDrawer. It is instead directly tied to the "Lock/Unlock" button (with the lock icon).

Screen Shot 2020-01-28 at 9.29.22 AM

So, 3 click actions will trigger the onIsLockedUpdate callback:

  1. Clicking the "Lock" button
  2. Clicking the "Unlock" button
  3. Clicking the "Collapse" button when the nav list is open, because this also "unlocks" the list (same as #2)

There is not currently a prop to provide a callback function for when the "Collapse/Expand" button is clicked. We do take feature requests on Github for EUI (https://github.com/elastic/eui/issues) if this is something you'd like to see added.

Thank you Greg !

I had downloaded fresh Kibana, if the navlist is in open state some portion of the main content is hidden behind the navlist, Is there any open bug for this behaviour or there is any future plan for such behaviour.
What i want to implement--I want to move that main content to right side when the navlist is in open state, and back to normal width if it is in closed state
Is there a way i can get this feature in my setup ?

That is precisely what the "Lock/Unlock" button is for.

When "locked", the main content is shifted to the right so that it is no longer hidden under the nav list:

This functionality is available on screens 1200px wide and above.

Thanks Greg

Happy to help! I forgot to mention that the lock/unlock functionality is available only in Kibana 7.4 and later.

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