Ping remote services for availability and log results to Elasticsearch or send to Logstash

have ELK server, and sending Heartbeats to server. I added an monitor in monitors.d directory, added setup.dashboards.enabled: true line in heartbeat.yml file, but after restarting heartbeat service, service working 2-3 second and then sending me this output message

Ping remote services for availability and log results to Elasticsearch or send to Logstash

I deleted my added line setup.dashboards.enabled: true and have not get that messages, hearthbeats worked, sent all beats to ELK server, but didn't send monitor's index

Can anybody help my to solve this issue

What does your heartbeat.yml look like?
What does your monitor config look like?
What do your Heartbeat logs show?

Thank you bro, I fixed that problem without adding
setup.dashboards.enabled line

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