Possibly allow Kibana to dynamically change i18n config?

  • From i18n settings in Kibana | Kibana Guide [8.15] | Elastic , changing Kibana's Web UI usually requires setting specific environment variables when launching Kibana's Docker Container, which sounds like I18N_LOCALE: zh-CN.
  • But this is a bit rigid. A Web UI with an account system like GitLab CE can set different i18n languages ​​on the Web UI for each account.
  • Possibly allow Kibana to dynamically change i18n config? Or am I missing some documentation? I assume Kibana is designed to allow multiple different users to use different i18n languages.

Hi @linghengqian ,

It is by design required to restart Kibana to change the language. There is no locale support per user account (similar to how you set individual roles) at the moment.

You can find more about it in the docs, at the very end of the page.

Best regards, Dima

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