Problem accessing Kibana through the browser

I can help you verify that kibana is up and running and you can log in but I don't have much experience with nginx.

Ok thanks,
Do you know any way to generate authentication when accessing kibana?

Can you explain more about generating authentication? I'm not sure what you mean.

The credentials request to access the functionalities of kibana, which does not access directly. In order to maintain information security.

Are you looking to modify or alter the build in login process in kibana?

Something similar, I must do that when I enter the kibana address in the browser, a login is requested

Can you be more specific?

For example, if I want to enter kibana by, I would access the kibana interface directly without a login process. I require that before loading the kibana interface, a username and password is requested to access the tool.

Unfortunately thats not something we support but you're welcome to figure out a solution that works for you.

The security settings come with elasticsearch (xpack plugin), but as far as I know it's only available with a license.

Once you enable security in elasticsearch, kibana will request login credentials.

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