Problem running lifecycle policy on index template with alias

Good Morning,
I am a developer that I am starting to assemble a basic cluster of elasticsearch and kibana.
I have some doubts and I would like to know how to solve them.
I have 3 machines that see each other in a cluster called "X". All of them with the version I use the elasticsearch-7.4.1 and kibana kibana-7.4.1.

Next, from kibana, I create an index template called “data-template” with "data-*" pattern and "data" alias (I want my indexes to be called "data-0001", ...).
I haven't created any index yet

Next I create the index life policy.
Then I assign the policy to template (with "data" rollover alias).

At this point, is it necessary to create the first index called (for example) data-00001?

Then, could I start doing POST with the template alias?

I have a process that inserts random information every X seconds such that:

POST http://localhost:9200/data/_doc/?pretty

Greetings and thank you very much

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