Hello EveryOne,ElasticSearch is installed by vendor on my CentOS server.I want to query with terminal to my server.How Can I do that??Also Kibana is Running on my server.
You can use curl, or use Console in Kibana.
I just want to use terminal to do curl. But don't know number of port .when type query in console of kibana there is option 'copy curl' .but when I press copy, and want to paste in terminal , nothing pasted.
How can I do curl?
Port is set in elasticsearch.yml, default to 9200 on loopback interface...
curl -XGET http://localhost:9200 should work if you have just started an ootb elasticsearsh install
I would suggest to look at video tutorial : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XCHYo0CsZrk
As I said, installing of Kibana and elastic search do by a vendor.I can't access to my server so I can't find .yml file.when I installed Kibana and ElasticSearch locally on my computer, everything about cURL works fine.How can I cURL to server??
By default, elasticsearch listens on interface only and port 9200 for Rest, this means that you would not be able to access elasticsearch from another machine on the same network by default. If kibana is installed on same machine, it will use localhost/ (which is default elasticsearch.url in kibana.yml)
Check with the vendor or administrator of the server if they have setup elasticsearch to listen to any interface outside of loopback... They should know and can find out by using netstat command or checking elasticsearch.yml, there is no way for you to know this if you have no access to the server.
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