Region Map drill down action


We have the following requirement from Region Map.

  • By default show country wide map with states colored according to some metric.
  • On clicking a particular state, show district/county wise map of that state according to same or different metric as used for the country wide map.

Please let us know if this can be achieved using Region Map of Kibana 6.x. If yes, please le know us know the probable configuration to achieve this.


Hey @arunachala. This isn't possible at the moment. We're actively working on something similar to this with, but it's in the context of Dashboards. However, what you're asking for seems like a great feature to have as well. Would you mind creating a feature request for this?


On a related question, is it possible to show the metrics values on the map itself instead of displaying them on-hover? This would be useful when user wants to create reports which include region map (for that matter coordinate map too)

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