I'm running 5.4 and I'm creating snapshots to go to my google cloud storage.
curl -XPUT localhost:9200/_snapshot/testingrepos/snapshot_testing -d '{"indices": "test-2017.05.17", "ignore_unavailable": true, "ignore_global_state": false, "base_path": "test"}'
the command itself is working. But when I go to my google cloud storage, I have no idea what data is the data i'm snapshotting. I get "05WNNN3YQ7yzvfo-EE0xfg/" which is under this indices folder. and a bunch of snap-CCq12Z0DSqWeSJC6BTqfag.dat . You can't see the repo "testingrepos" or a base path "test". Even if i took out the base path, there still isn't a repo name anywhere.
When i do the FS, you can see the repo names which makes it easier to identify which snapshots are for what indices or data set.
IS there a way to get friendly names in google storage? or organize better to see what the repos are and what data is stored in them?