Reporting button not available in Discover tab

I just installed Elasticsearch and Kibana 6.6.1 version in my windows machine.
I loaded some data from sample datasets available.

Ultimately, after adding some filters in an Index I want to export the data to CSV file. I read that we can do that by using reporting option in Discover tab.

I have activated my 30 days trial and added xpack.reporting.enabled: true in Kibana.yml file but still do not have reporting button available in Visualization, Discover or Dashboard

The CSV reporting (in the Share menu in Discover) is included in the default basic license.

PDF Reporting does require some license other than Basic, so starting the Trial license should work.

What do you have in this Share menu on a saved Visualization?


Hi LeeDr,

Thanks for your response. I actually did not check share option because from the source I was following had Reporting button on top in Discover tab. So it didnt occur that share might have CSV export feature as well. Anyhow its cool. I got it now.


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