Search in Elasticsearch objects from non blocked user

In Elaasticsearch we have 3 collections, users, products and blocked_users.

users{id, first_name, last_name, ...}
products{id, user_id, title, ...}
blocked_users{user_id, blocked_user_id}

I want to search products by title, but I don't want to show products oof blocked users.

How should be query?

You can't really do "joins" in elasticsearch.

You may want to look at parent/child feature but that's not may be straightforward.

I think it would be better to have a single data structure products like:

PUT products/doc/1
  "title": "Title",
  "user": {
    "first_name": "First",
    "last_name": "Last",
    "blocked": true

But for some users it can be blocked, and for others they will be not blocked, it depends if logged user blocked product's user.

Can you give an example with the model you sent?

users{id, first_name, last_name, ...}
products{id, user_id, title, ...}
blocked_users{user_id, blocked_user_id}

{id: 1, first_name: "John", last_name:"Snow", ...}
{id: 2, first_name: "Sarah", last_name:"Connor", ...}
{id: 2, first_name: "Arnold", last_name:"Schwarzenegger", ...}

{id: 1, user_id: 3, title:"Apple"}

{user_id: 2, blocked_user_id: 3} // this mean user with id 2 blocked user with id 3

so, when user with id 1 search he will get a response with 1 product
when user with id 2 search 0 products is expected, because product user id is 3, but user with id 2 blocked this user

Would that work then?

PUT products/doc/1
  "title": "Title",
  "user": {
    "id": "3",
    "first_name": "First",
    "last_name": "Last",
    "blocked_users": [ "2" ]

Which basically means that as user 2, I won't see that product as I blocked all the products that created user 3.

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